Student Solution


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1 Subject

Criminal Justice Chapter 1 Assignment

Criminal Justice Chapter 1 Assignment

Q 1. What are the specific aims and purposes of criminal law? To what extent does the criminal law control behavior? Do you believe that the law is too restrictive or not restrictive enough? 2. If you ran the world, which acts that are now legal would you make criminal? Which criminal acts would you legalize? What would be the probable consequences of your actions? 3. Beccaria argued that the threat of punishment controls crime. Are there other forms of social control? Aside from the threat of legal punishment, what else controls your own behavior?

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The specific aims and purpose of the criminal law are to punish those people who have committed a crime or in board term a criminal. Along with it they also focus on preventing any such acts to occur or increase in the future. The criminal law gives some kind of rules and regulation regarding dealing with the criminals.